Ancient Combat

Praying Mantis is the apex of traditional Chinese martial art systems dating back ~400 years.

Effective Strategy

Learn effective combat strategy and tactics that are battlefield proven and practical today.

Applied Training

Challenging and practical training to build effective fighting skills, a strong body, and a strong mind.

Strong Traditions

Proud family lineage under Master Luo Guang Yu with a rich history and strong traditions.

Luo Guang Yu Seven Star Praying Mantis Kung Fu

Begin your journey and training here in traditional Chinese martial arts. Explore our site to learn more about Seven Star Mantis.

About Us

Our group is lead by the efforts of Kai Uwe Pel who has dedicated over 40 years of his life to the study, training and teaching of this incredible system.  We are passionate about Mantis and preserving these great traditions.

Mantis Kung Fu

Praying Mantis Kung Fu is the apex of traditional Chinese martial art systems.  It originated in Shandong province ~400 years ago, and made famous in Shanghai by the late Grandmaster Luo Guang Yu.


There are three levels of training – Li, Jing, and Qi.  Students will learn practical self defense skills including kicking, striking, grappling, and throwing. You will improve strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, and focus.


传统的螳螂派功夫 起源于少林,曾是霍元甲创办的 上海精武馆主要教授的中国四大传统功夫之一。是一个经过时间洗礼、实践证明的优秀 的中国传统功夫门派。
裴凯师傅 KAI UWE PEL(德国),16岁便赴香港学习传统螳螂派功夫,先后师从香港、 马来西亚与新加坡的多位传统螳螂派大师。经过多年的刻苦训练,系统地学习了传承于罗光玉大师的传统七星螳螂派功夫。

迄今为止,裴凯师傅已经从事传统螳螂派功夫教学25年有余,曾任香港精武体育会助教; 是新加坡精武体育会终生荣誉会员、德国精武体育会的发起人;先后任教于香港、新加坡、德国、意大利、西班牙、波兰、美国和上海精武体育会。


传统的螳螂派功夫,是通过师傅亲授弟子的方式辈辈相传的。由于时局的动荡、社会的 变革、人事的变迁等历史原因,中国传统的螳螂派功夫仅由部分移居海外的师傅带往香港、马来西亚、新加坡以及美国,形成多处的分支学校。其中,尊重传统、刻苦训练完整保留传统功夫体系的分支学校不多。目前,传统螳螂派功夫保留比 较完整的地区仅存在于马来西亚、新加坡,其余的地区,例如香港、美国等地,由于传承的误差、多系统的混合、传统螳螂拳的系统已经不够完整。

2002年,裴凯师傅应邀于上海精武馆教授传统螳螂派功夫,之后移居上海。为了延续、传承传统,裴凯 师傅持续从事传统螳螂派功夫教授。目前的授课地点为:上海金城绿苑社区俱乐部、社区花园、莘庄公园等地,有选择性地收授学生。欢迎警察、保镖、有志于系统 学习传统螳螂派功夫的传统功夫爱好者前来垂询学习。